Newsletters, Policies & Documents




Student Care, Safety & Wellbeing

DOBCEL Anaphylaxis Management Policy and Procedures February 2021

DOBCEL Asthma Management Policy and Procedures February 2021

Behaviour Management Policy Procedures [DOBCEL] sm

St Mary’s Behaviour Management Policy and Procedures inc Appendices 1-3

DOBCEL School Bullying Prevention (including Cyberbullying) Policy 2022

DOBCEL First Aid and Infection Control Policy and Procedures February 2021

DOBCEL Supervision of Students Policy February 2021

Child Safety

DOBCEL Child Safe Governance Policy 2022

CECV – Commitment Statement

DOBCEL Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy – 2022

Duty of Care Policy

DOBCEL Identifying and Responding to Abuse -Protect Responding Obligations Policy 2022

DOBCEL Identifying and Responding to Abuse Reporting Obligations Procedures 2022

DOBCEL Protect Reportable Conduct Scheme Policy 2022

Safeguarding Children & Young People Code of Conduct – 2022

St Mary’s Primary School Visitors Policy and Procedure

St.-Marys-Child-Safe-Information Sheet -Student-Version (1)

DOBCEL School Bullying Prevention (including Cyberbullying) – Policy 2022 (1)



Communication Policy [DOBCEL] (1)

Democratic Principles Statement

Privacy Policy

Vision & Mission

DOBCEL School Complaints Handling Policy – 2022


Quality Education

DOBCEL Attendance Policy and Procedures February 2021


Information Technology

DOBCEL Digital Technologies Policy and Agreement 2022

St Mary’s_Digital Technology Procedures

Acceptable Use and Cyber Safety Agreement 2022


Assurance & Risk

Emergency and Critical Incident Management Policy and Procedures [DOBCEL]



DOBCEL Enrolment Policy Procedures & Appendices

St Mary’s Code of Conduct – Expectations of Parents-Carers 2024

All DOBCEL Policies can be found at the following link:


St Marys – Student Suspension, Negotiated Transfer and Expulsion Procedures

DOBCEL Protect Reporting and Responding Obligations Policy

DOBCEL Protect Identifying and responding to Student Sexual Offending February 2021

DOBCEL Supervision of Students Volunteer Information February 2021

DOBCEL Supervision of Students Information for Parents February 2021



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