FAQ 1 – Travelling by Bus
Buses are a big thing at St Mary’s and we take looking after your child’s travel arrangements very seriously. Many children travel to school using either the town or country bus systems with all Foundation students assigned a bus buddy who looks after them until they get used to the bus routines.
FAQ 2 – Come and Try Mornings
These very popular mornings are run regularly throughout the school year and provide a time for preschoolers and their parents to join a Foundation class for the morning and try out ‘big school’.
FAQ 3 – Playgroup, Pre-School & AfterSchool Care
The Swan Hill Playgroup operates a 3 year old playgroup on the St Mary’s school site and in 2021 Shine Bright Shamrock Park Kindergarten will open its doors as an autonomous 4year old preschool operating on our school grounds.
FAQ 4 – Student Voice
At St Mary’s we value student voice and input students have into making our school shine and be the best school it can be.
FAQ 5 – Learning Walks
We run regular Learning Walks throughout the school term.. They are a great way for parents to learn more about the learning that takes place in the classroom and see what school looks like in real time.
FAQ 6 – Lunchtime Activities
We love being active at St Mary’s- if kids weren’t climbing, playing on the equipment, and enjoying the outdoors it wouldn’t be a primary school! We are so fortunate to have a fantastic outdoor environment for our students to experience every day as well as many options such as yoga, lego club, the strings group and the library available each lunchtime for students to enjoy.

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