Communication Apps
Communication Apps
St Mary’s Primary School offers a range of media to keep in touch with the school as well as Apps for your convenience.
St. Mary’s School Website and Newsletter
The school website at provides great information about our school and school activities. The weekly school Newsletter and any urgent school information is emailed out to parents and families in the format of a Newsletter.
For those families that do not have Internet, a hard copy is sent home upon request from the office.
St. Mary’s Primary School Swan Hill has a Facebook Page. “LIKE” us on Facebook to keep up to date with social events and things happening around the school!
St. Mary’s uses the online platform, PAM to communicate between home and school. It assists the school with keeping up to date with medical and any other school information.
When your child is enrolled at St. Mary’s, you will be sent an invitation to activate your PAM account. You will be required to provide a number of medical and contact details online about each of your children. This may take 10 – 15 minutes on this initial occasion. However, once this information is provided by you, any future communication (eg permission for excursions) will take just seconds to complete as your information will be pre-loaded. No more notes lost or covered in banana in school bags, no more concerns about children missing out on information when they are absent. Updates can be made quickly and easily as circumstances change.
CDF Pay is a payment program for a number of aspects of schooling. This is fully secured by our bankers the NAB (National Australia Bank). This allows parents to order and make payments for canteen, book fair, Year 6 shirts and other special events throughout the year. We use CDF Pay for all online canteen orders.
If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact the office.
Visit our online store from your computer or mobile device.
Seesaw is a digital learning journal where our students post work they have completed at school. Parents connect to the Seesaw class and are able to instantly see the learning their children have shared with them.

Online Tour
The best way to start learning about us. We have professionally produced dozens of videos showcasing our amazing school.

Book a School Tour
The best way to meet us! We can show you around our beautiful school and answer any specific questions you have.

This free and growing resource is our way of sharing positive and inspiring messages with our community.
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